Carl Stahl, a family-owned company based in Süßen, Germany, originated in the rope-making trade in 1880, is setting the course for its future with a new, successor-compatible structure. The group of companies now operates in 66 locations through 9 subsidiaries. Today, these are mainly concerned with lift-ing loads and related services. However, investments are also made in related secors.
Family businesses are regarded as the backbone of the German economy. One of the greatest goals of these companies is the successful organization of succession. However, the transition from one generation to the next is one of the most difficult challenges for a family business, as economic (business), legal (ownership) and emotional (family) logics have to be combined or balanced against each other. And this is precisely where many family businesses often fail.
The early creation of a foundation of values and structures that takes into account the personal interests and needs of all family members in addition to the company-related concerns has therefore proven essential. In its self-image, the Carl Stahl Group is committed to its 140-year history and structure as an internationally active family company. At the same time, the actions of the group of companies worldwide are based on ethical principles.
Instead of striving for short-term profit, the family members pursue the goal of generating long-term and sustainable success. To this end, the family members have defined the following set of values for themselves: Performance, tolerance, down-to-earth attitude, responsibility and solidarity. For the Carl Stahl family, responsible behavior is expressed, among other things, in a reliable partnership for employees and suppliers. The family members are also committed to making a positive contribution to society through their entrepreneurial activities.
The entrepreneurial family has also adjusted structurally. A new holding company ensures that the owners continue to have sufficient influence without, however, restricting the doing of operational management. As a connecting interface, an advisory board is established at Carl Stahl Holding GmbH, the umbrella company for all entrepreneurial holdings, to which the expertise of non-family third parties from strategically important disciplines is added.
Over the past two years, the Carl Stahl family has developed this foundation of values and structures with the support of Intes, a consultancy for medium-sized companies, and anchored it in a binding family strategy. This sets the course for a successful future of the company.
Honoring the roots of the company, the guiding principle for this process is: „All pulling together“. This mission statement determines the daily actions of every single family member.